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Lesson29- How to use tasmota for KC868-A8 via PCF8574 IIC extend GPIO
(02-18-2024, 06:18 PM)Skankrabbit Wrote: Yes,that is the one I used. When I try to flash that firmware ( KC868-A8-Tasmota-firmware.bin), with ESP-Flasher-dev-macOS, to returns this error and won't flash:

Unexpected error: Error while retrieving firmware file '': 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

I can flash the basic ESP32 firmware,
then once connected with wifi, "configure other",,
add the template you provided, 
then upgrade firmware to KC868-A8-Tasmota-firmware.bin,
but it doesn't activate the PCF8574 still. Any ideas?

By the way, my ethernet port still dead any resolutions?

Hello friend, after a lot of struggle I got it, try to use this software
make sure your internet line is no problem, because when you use download tool, it will connect to github cloud server. some times maybe you can try to use VPN for your internet line.
(03-12-2024, 11:49 AM)admin Wrote: this is your PC can't open your serial port. make sure no other software have used serial port.

I have restarted the windows pc, restarted the kc868, no software are running to use com3.
I can see in the log screen activity e.g temp messages and so on..

But no possibility to flash Sad 

with your flash-downloader tool NO permission denied!! and the flash prozess runs without errors, but the board has then no funktion!!
check your board's power supply or change another USB-C cable for a testing.
(03-13-2024, 08:44 AM)admin Wrote: check your board's power supply or change another USB-C cable for a testing.

I have the original power supply and cable from the aliexpress kit.

I can use the port in the Arduin-IDE and another tool, but not to flash with the esp programmer.
But temp readings are coming

Is this the correct tool to flash ESP32 boards???(KC868-A8)
i use this one:

.zip (Size: 16.14 MB / Downloads: 113)

check your computer system, not use USB-HUB. if your arduino IDE can download firmware, so that A8 board hardware is OK. only software problem with your computer, easiest way is you can test with another computer.
(03-13-2024, 10:13 PM)admin Wrote: i use this one:

check your computer system, not use USB-HUB. if your arduino IDE can download firmware, so that A8 board hardware is OK. only software problem with your computer, easiest way is you can test with another computer.

I will test with another computer
Could you please explain witch setting are necessary to flasg with the arduino IDE
now your problem is computer can't find serial port.
you can check, when you connect with A8 board, whether have USB-Serial device in your "windows device manager".
(03-14-2024, 12:19 AM)admin Wrote: now your problem is computer can't find serial port.
you can check, when you connect with A8 board, whether have USB-Serial device in your "windows device manager".

Could you please explain witch setting are necessary to flash with the arduino IDE !!
so I have solved the problem now.
The problem with the esp flasher is:
When you click twice on the log view, the port is used and the program write: permission denied. stupied!!
and now I have flashed with the tasmota fw.

I can see the 8x input and 8x output and the board temp.
Now i need the 2x analog input and 4x temp with ds18b20.
What is with the rf433 settings??

What are the correct settings in the tasmota config to see the figures???

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