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New DIY Project Support
(07-15-2022, 10:29 PM)admin Wrote: you are welcome.

Dear Admin

H32B is controllef successfully by Kbox using MQTT protcol but when i scan my network showing ip
When i try to access it provide error and can't open the web page also on KBox the controller is seen with strange Ip and different.
How i can access the web page if H32B and reset the ip to correct home network ip
See attsched photos.

KC868-D8 dimmer controller test
1. I tested with led 8w dimerable bulb

And 2 x Led 8w
And 3 x led 8 w
And 4 x led 8w = 32 w
All above not switch off the light decrease to low level and keep light on low level not zero
Also the light on is increasing brightness but with short button not turn light on neither by remote nor by momentry switch 1 wire
2- i tested with incandescent 40 w switch off, not switch on but deep pressing brightness up only, short pressing again switch off to zero long pressing decreasing brightness to zero.

3. There is an isdue in D8 with minimum accepted watt to turn light off completely and turn on with short pressing ! 

You mentio ed before the minimu. Is 18 W to work fine yhe D8 with SSR but unfortunetly up to 32 W of bulbs the same issue.

I attached the config web page of D8

I want solution the D8 channel with have minimum 2 bulbs with 8 w each and other circuits could be 4 x 8W =32 watt.

Pls not most of dimerable bulbs 4-5-6Watt, and the maximum is 8 w that i used.

Any solution ? Please see attached photos and  the video sent to whatsapp kincony support due to file size limitation in forum to resolve the problem issue.

KC868-D8 dimmer controller test
1. I tested with led 8w dimerable bulb

And 2 x Led 8w
And 3 x led 8 w
And 4 x led 8w = 32 w
All above not switch off the light decrease to low level and keep light on low level not zero
Also the light on is increasing brightness but with short button not turn light on neither by remote nor by momentry switch 1 wire
2- i tested with incandescent 40 w switch off, not switch on but deep pressing brightness up only, short pressing again switch off to zero long pressing decreasing brightness to zero.

3. There is an isdue in D8 with minimum accepted watt to turn light off completely and turn on with short pressing ! 

You mentio ed before the minimu. Is 18 W to work fine yhe D8 with SSR but unfortunetly up to 32 W of bulbs the same issue.

I attached the config web page of D8

I want solution the D8 channel with have minimum 2 bulbs with 8 w each and other circuits could be 4 x 8W =32 watt.

Pls not most of dimerable bulbs 4-5-6Watt, and the maximum is 8 w that i used.

Any solution ? Please see attached photos and  the video sent to whatsapp kincony support due to file size limitation in forum to resolve the problem issue.

Attached Files Image(s)
(07-21-2022, 12:44 AM) Wrote:
(07-15-2022, 10:29 PM)admin Wrote: you are welcome.

Dear Admin

H32B is controllef successfully by Kbox using MQTT protcol but when i scan my network showing ip
When i try to access it provide error and can't open the web page also on KBox the controller is seen with strange Ip and different.
How i can access the web page if H32B and reset the ip to correct home network ip
See attsched photos.

H32B can use scan tools to scan the IP address.if you use mqtt,the ip of h32b is not important,set it to DHCP,and connect to your server,it will be ok.

about how to find the ip address  ,you can watch the video :

KC868-D8 dimmer controller test
1. I tested with led 8w dimerable bulb

And 2 x Led 8w
And 3 x led 8 w
And 4 x led 8w = 32 w
All above not switch off the light decrease to low level and keep light on low level not zero
Also the light on is increasing brightness but with short button not turn light on neither by remote nor by momentry switch 1 wire
2- i tested with incandescent 40 w switch off, not switch on but deep pressing brightness up only, short pressing again switch off to zero long pressing decreasing brightness to zero.

3. There is an isdue in D8 with minimum accepted watt to turn light off completely and turn on with short pressing ! 

You mentio ed before the minimu. Is 18 W to work fine yhe D8 with SSR but unfortunetly up to 32 W of bulbs the same issue.

I attached the config web page of D8

I want solution the D8 channel with have minimum 2 bulbs with 8 w each and other circuits could be 4 x 8W =32 watt.

Pls not most of dimerable bulbs 4-5-6Watt, and the maximum is 8 w that i used.

Any solution ? Please see attached photos and  the video sent to whatsapp kincony support due to file size limitation in forum to resolve the problem issue.

May I ask the voltage of your bulb? Is it 220V?

KC868-D8 dimmer controller test
1. I tested with led 8w dimerable bulb

And 2 x Led 8w
And 3 x led 8 w
And 4 x led 8w = 32 w
All above not switch off the light decrease to low level and keep light on low level not zero
Also the light on is increasing brightness but with short button not turn light on neither by remote nor by momentry switch 1 wire
2- i tested with incandescent 40 w switch off, not switch on but deep pressing brightness up only, short pressing again switch off to zero long pressing decreasing brightness to zero.

3. There is an isdue in D8 with minimum accepted watt to turn light off completely and turn on with short pressing ! 

You mentio ed before the minimu. Is 18 W to work fine yhe D8 with SSR but unfortunetly up to 32 W of bulbs the same issue.

I attached the config web page of D8

I want solution the D8 channel with have minimum 2 bulbs with 8 w each and other circuits could be 4 x 8W =32 watt.

Pls not most of dimerable bulbs 4-5-6Watt, and the maximum is 8 w that i used.

Any solution ? Please see attached photos and  the video sent to whatsapp kincony support due to file size limitation in forum to resolve the problem issue.
Yes i scanned the ip with the io tool scan 
It is showing as previous attached photo
But i can't chanhe it to DHCPas you suggested because i can't access the web psge to do this change slso i sdded  phkto for this on orevious reply.
For your questikns yes the load is 220 v yes
(07-22-2022, 07:08 PM) Wrote: Yes i scanned the ip with the io tool scan 
It is showing as previous attached photo
But i can't chanhe it to DHCPas you suggested because i can't access the web psge to do this change slso i sdded  phkto for this on orevious reply.
For your questikns yes the load is 220 v yes

1.mabey you didn't  watch the video ,the software is not the one on the picutre,so it will not show as previous,it's like this
you can post the picture for me like this
2.The video tell you how to click the button,if you follow the step,i think the IP must be scaned.
Reference to your advise to start installing and setup of the KC868-Server then A16 followed by each controllers H32B, H32Bs, 2D8 and 4 AG

let me summarize the status here and see how can you help me to achieved and review my progress for what has been succeed and failed:

1. KC868-SERVER:

1. Install home assistant operating system lesson 4 (Done)
2. Add-on Samba and file structure of home assistant lesson 5 
- Samba and file Editor other add-on need it has been installed please see attached snapshot until the server disk space get not enough then i didn't complete this part as i desired.
- I asked question and how much size of USB memory stick or hard disk i can connect and how to move the data to it, your answer review the maximum size that you can connect to the server and you sent me this link
But in the link no information on the maximum usb storages that i can connect.
- how this will be fast as well for executing the commands without delay? bearing in mind that all 4 USB for Raspberry pi side are USB 2 the white not the blue on USB 3.0 !
3. Home devices- Multi media that seen by home assistant :
regarding the devices seen on the Home assistant not seen completely for example:
3.1 only one home theater Pioneer VSX-LX55 old ( 2012 ) that has been seen , other home theater receiver Yamaha RX-V677 B87ED1 not seen ( 2017 )
3.2 only the blu ray device Panasonic DMP-BDT210 but the sony DVD 4k device is not seen
3.3 only one printer HP that seen the samsung printer not
3.4 both smart samsung TVs not seen
3.5 Apple TV can see but can't connect provide error 
3.6 Media network drive has been seen
3.7 My spotify account and app has been seen but not able to communicate with it through pioneer home theater , and when i try to apply seen go to my media drive automatically not Spotify.

4. While installing the laptop crashed and blue screen pop up, now i need to re-install the window and rebuild my laptop, it looks something affect while installing the server although i didn't connect any thing to usb except a USB converter to ethernet in order to connect my laptop to my home network ( no ethernet socket in my laptop only USB and HDMI).
is all installation that done above on my laptop to home assistant and server i will need to re-do it again ?


i connected with ethernet to main router and power on but i can't see such as other controller to set it up and i searched the installation, pocedures of step up step by step didn't find except the schematic drawing and some in Russian language no English.

Would you please:
1.  review my status above and attached file and write clear answer for solutions
2. send me invitation on Anydesk ASAP to review all my setup done so far and help me for A16 and other Home assistant steps including the MQTT part that i failed to follow your lessons , also back to original problem to install each controller although they had now a static ip address and can seen on my home network if i connect them but can't testing them right now because the Home assistant and ESP has not completely installed and fully set it up.
3. i would't like to re-install the windows and format my c drive before finish the current installation tests together to make sure no further crash to my laptop again after re-install my laptop window 10 and reimage all my applications.

please see the helping attached file for help to know the status.

Kind Regards

Ahmed Abdelkarim
+201222425892 Mobile and whatsapp
Egypt time zone GMT+2

Attached Files
.pdf   Kincony Forum - DIY- Communication with Kbox- 20220731.pdf (Size: 3.07 MB / Downloads: 261)
2. here is home assistant said about it in this URL:
see photo, 

because official not said the details MAX size, so i can't see it. But supported the size is already enough for people to use. i use 128G usb disk.
CM4 have USB2.0, the speed enough to use.

3. which Electric Appliances support by home assistant directly, you can check at here:

4. home assitant is installed on the Raspberry pi CM4, not your labtop. use computer can work for install home assistant.

about KC868-A series board, such as KC868-A16, you should install ESPHome addon on your home assistsant firstly. then just copy our YMAL config file and paste to your file. here is video tour how to use ESPHome by KC868-A8:
you just replace the config file with KC868-A16's .  here is esphome config file for KC868-A16:

5. if you can't see "move datadisk", please enable "avdantage mode " in your home assistant setting.

if integrate KC868-A16 with home assistant by esphome, not need use by MQTT.

you can try by yourself firstly, if at last also have problem, when we work time, use anydesk to help you.
2. Move data to disk not accepted 128GB usb memory stick.
I checked the advanced mode it is selected

I can't move gorward

Due to time zone and china a head of Egypt by 6 hours and busy morning merting i will be avilable 12.00 mid fay for any desk sessikn china time.
i am not said only can use by 128G, you can use large size. it's up to you. about data need about 10 minutes.
The server didn't recognise the new memory stick 128 GB to move the data , what i should do ?
Can you please look with me on that to continue with further steps?
Also not sure how to configure the controllers to home assistant and the server and what is the parameters used , it was MQTT before to run kBox.
Please fix appointment to remote sharing using Anydesk.
Thank you
see this video tour:
at last of video have a command movedata way, i used that way.

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