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New DIY Project Support
Yes i understand ....
I understand that you request to replace the 
Input and output to 
a16-input and a16-output

And i did and changed the yaml file with your correct file.

But i donot understand what do you mean by

The home asistance is not using new ID

Please clarify!

Also i sent you a snapshot after i delete the entity from the dashboard and still after add it again with new config and still showing 9 inputs and not all 16 inpuys that you request me to replace using you last config file for 16 input, 16 outputs.

Do you understand me for this part?

do you have add a16-input-X to dashboard?
do you have add a16-output-X to dashboard?
Yes i did see attachements

Attached Files Image(s)
no, you don't understand me, you need to delete all old entities, re add to "dashboard".  see photo step by step:
i deleted from edit dashboard all entities and create new as you mentioned , the same input are 9 not 16 and output are 9 and unavailable !!
Also i tried to contact during your working hour which very late to early morning in Egypt to have remote sharing through Anydesk as you provided but unfortunately i didn't find any one available from Kincony support !!

the electrician is come to connect the load today morning and i mentioned this 3 days ago to help and he is coming in 3 hrs from now and i didn't sleep sibnce yeterday waiting your time zone to help !!

This is not good  Angry
i have told you all details.
I'm still waiting the remote sharing to resolve the current isdues
1- A16 not recognised the last config sent after delete the entities from dashboard and configured them again 3 times still I can't communicate by home asisstant snd not seen all inputs and output only 1st 9 light switches and 9 inputs that are unavailable.
2. Reviewed your video for H32B and configure the web page to MQTT and pointing to server ip address still not seen and respond with home assistant, it is still working in Kbox only with previous MQTT configuration pointing to kincony server as advised previously.

I appriciate a support from Kincony office i stayed wake up due to different time zone to contact your company during your working hours until very tired.

Now 4.45 AM Egypt time early morning 10.45 AM China time and try to contact whatsapp support for remote sharing , no answer !!

Also i contact now 10.00 AM ( 4.00 PM china time ) no answer !!

H32B testing on load with terminal switchboard.

After testing on dumy lisd before installing it, it is installed and connected to the load.
Unfortunetly kbox that was working before and communicate through kincony server it is not, remote control respond very slow to switch on /off and strange 
Press button 1 load 1 is on, press button 2 load 2 on and load 1 off, only odd numbers can switch on in sequence !!
And all load that i succeed to put on after less than minute switch off automatically.

I reset the H32B , and 2 remotes and paired them again the same issue, all outdoor lighting and security light off and stayed all night in dark.
I followed your video for configure the H32B to the same ip of server and mqtt for ethernet static and wifi mqtt DHPC i got error, revised several times until i got it successiful and valid configuration on config.yaml and start it but failed to configure it on dashboard as add a card and the same for Kbox.

After this step the ethernet has been disconnected and all house appliences failed to get ip address only few wifi mobiles and was not stable, until now don't know the reson behined this!!!

Can you please resolve this ASAP since it is emergency and i felt very frusterated after few difficult days of breaking walls installing the new DB replacing the old automation system.
You quick response with Anydesk remote sharing ASAP are highly appriciated.

Gus any experience for something like this happened with H32B ?

Feed back, other experiences are highly appriciated.
Dear Admin

The situation is urgent and emergency, please contact me urgently to remote sharing and investigate what is happened.

No answer on whatsapp
No answer on the kincony Forum

Please the situation is top urgent
Thank you
Dear Kincony Technical Support,

As s i mentioned to you before when i asked for Kincony support. i'm electrical power engineer 55 years old i made hard effort to understand the videos and your instruction for the setup, unfortunately anything is not mentioned for any small details I can't resolved because simply i'm replicate what you are explaining in the videos, instruction and compete that with forum questions as you request if i face any issue stopped me from continue.

The outdoor load has been delayed several times to complete testing it.

with your advised system using Server and A16 with H32B, unfortunately after I changed the H32B configuration according to your instruction from kincony server using kincony ip address and previous use of kbox latest version to work with and without internet to server ip address and change the ethernet to mqtt static , wifi to mqtt dhcb instead of kbox configuration mqtt for ethernet and STA for wifi.

And after run the mqtt broker and write it in Config. yaml using your example code.

it looks the DNS has been changed and affect all my house network( i'm guessing not sure) , now no ethernet for internet connection to all CAT 6 sockets through my switches rack for 48 Cables connected to 48 sockets!

All appliances and access points failed to get ip address and the wifi as well is not stable on and off  and some floors are off continues that interrupt all my family specially my children's and their education.
Please i need to resolve what is happened in the house network and back it to normal because I switch off all kincony system and removed the ethernet cables from h32B controller, KC868 server and KC-868-A16 and 2 KC868-D8 and power off all of them and still the problem exist.

Also i can't connect them to my laptop to rest or reconfigure the web page of each unless there is a way to connect my laptop directly to each controller and able to change the setup to your instruction here to resolve the issue.

I can send you the code that I wrote it for all 36 channel output and 6 inputs that run successfully but again i can't see the controllers button on home assistant.
Please let me know urgently your advise to back the network to normal.
Also i would like to mentioned that due to this delay answer and circumstance i and my family are staying since last Saturday ( 5 days now) with dark outdoor no lighting load due to the current issues of H32B which made me crazy and in very bad mode and situation !!
Please advise and respond not sure how you stop help in the middle of your support !

2 important issue now:

1-How to resolve the house ethernet and wifi network and get back to normal?
2- How to configure each controller individually by connecting it directly to my laptop to change the configuration that it looks the house network didn't accept it?

Thank you for your patient Sleepy Sleepy

Attached Files Image(s)

.txt   KC868-a16.yaml - final to replace in ESPhome edit .txt (Size: 1.66 KB / Downloads: 208)
.pdf   H32B yaml config- MQTT Comand ethernet and wifi.pdf (Size: 146.02 KB / Downloads: 224)

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