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New DIY Project Support
Thank you admin for helping and remote sharing the A16 setup and H32B and testing in home asisstant on home asisstant onlocal network only.

Some important questions and comments on this current steps and device tests.
Terminal switch board :- 
1- H32B working fine and smoothly on home assistant app on mobile also by remote control but using switches on/off connected to terminal switchboard is not functioning wells, some circuits on and don't go off when requested off , some not responding at all, some respond but with significant delay!!
What is the reason of this how to improve the quick response?
2- if i need to connect electric curtain to some late circuits of H32B after configured the lighting, how i program some H32B channel for motor mode for certain channels only?
3. If i would like to use the 6 inputs of H32B for irrigstion system water valve opening / closing for 4 zones each is working on 48V and water pump of the house to see the status if it will working or not working 220V can be used with dry contact of H32B inputs.
4. How i can creat a scene for lighting on / off of H32B on home assistant and select some channel circuits to work at dusk at sunset and switch off at sunrise?
5. Still struggle to sort out working of home assistant on 4G outside local network using DNNS and give access to my family members to control controller using home assistant through local and 4 G.

Thank you
1. take a photo how you wire switch terminal board with your wall switch.
2. suggest you connect your motor to A16's output. it's easy to set "interlock" mode by A16's ESPHome config file, just change a little code, you can see this video tour, that is demo for E16S, not also can use for A16's setting.
3. H32B's input only use for dry contact, can't input ac220v, that will be broken for controller. you can create "automation" in home assistant. let inputX trigger some actions that you can define. just define an "automation" such as relay1 ON, relay2 ON, ...... that trigger with inputX.
4. this also is "automation" function, just "sunrise" and "sunset" created in home assistant as a sensor, then trigger "automation" by this sensor.
5. already given you the video tour, you just do as that video.
(08-20-2022, 12:50 AM)admin Wrote: 1. take a photo how you wire switch terminal board with your wall switch.
I attached some photos for wiring executed W6 on one gang and other on common, W 8 on one gang and other on common W10,11,12 on one gang and the other wire to common, W14,15 on one gang and other wire to Common, W16 on one gang and other on common, W 6, 8 working but significant delay response and hanging , other not switch on or off completely.
2. suggest you connect your motor to A16's output. it's easy to set "interlock" mode by A16's ESPHome config file, just change a little code, you can see this video tour, that is demo for E16S, not also can use for A16's setting.
A16 will be connected beside the server to main control DB indoor and A16 will be far away and no wires to reach the shutter / Curtain 
3. H32B's input only use for dry contact, can't input ac220v, that will be broken for controller. you can create "automation" in home assistant. let inputX trigger some actions that you can define. just define an "automation" such as relay1 ON, relay2 ON, ...... that trigger with inputX.
i took the output of Hunter irrigation contacts that provide 48 volt to the electrical water valve ( solonoid) and unfortunetely it is showing the input all the times trigger either if no order came from the irrigation panel to open the solonoid, i removed the wires and now no trigger for the H32B controller until ask you why trigger the 6 inputs of H32B while no volt goes to water electric valve?
4. this also is "automation" function, just "sunrise" and "sunset" created in home assistant as a sensor, then trigger "automation" by this sensor.
Please guide me to the instruction how to do this ( video + steps) with thanks
5. already given you the video tour, you just do as that video.
i will try to review again if failed i appreciate to look at it today morning with Any Desk

6. Further Question please: the power cut off and after return i found the server changed the ip from instead of, i lost control to A16, server and connected H32B, do you agree that it is important to have a static ip for all Kincony devices to avoid DHCP change ip dynamically and loose control, i abled to change all information in Yaml and web device configuration and point out to the new ip however possible my family can't do so and i need good stability not open the programming each time electricity cut off. if you agree with me on this can you please guide me how i can change the web confirguration of home assistant to static ip ?

Attached Files Image(s)

Regarding duckdns to work on 4G outside local network i reach step to configure my VDSL router which a little bit different than your screen in your video
The kc868 server ip now

please see the other parameters range requested , it is quit different parameters requested in ranges than you video screen.

Please advice:

WAN host ip address range:
WAN port Range,:
LAN HOST Port Range:



A     HMED
"WAN Host IP Address" you can check with your router's guide, actually not need to use, just set allow any IP can use.
LAN Host: it's KC868-Server's IP address.
WAN Port and LAN Host Port, you can input all are 8123 for 4 option.
every time when you post image, please click the button "Insert Into Post", so that we can see whole image.
(08-25-2022, 11:34 AM)admin Wrote: every time when you post image, please click the button "Insert Into Post", so that we can see whole image.

yes , last e-mail i did and insert picture into post.

thanks the Duckdns has been woking successfully after more reserch for missing steps in the video regarding yaml configuration add certificates 2 lines and the domains and token as well.

after working on my laptop and my mobile local and through internet the yaml configuration pop invalid and can't restart the home asistant and i'm not able to connect to home assistant url neither local nor internet, this is happened when i'm trying to run the duckdns ip on my family mobile to use the same as me on the internet as well as local.

i tried to used the 3 days ago back tar but no succeed.

can you please help to retrieve access to my Home assistance locally then internet again?.

i can see the same server ip and see the folders under my network only.

see imbedded
.pdf   Home assistant crash.pdf (Size: 194.73 KB / Downloads: 324) photos

Thank you
use WAN ip or LOCAL ip for URL to login.
both not working and the house local network hanging again as a first time !!
do we need to  re-install the raspberry pi drivers again and RPIboot and start agin from scratch after i remove the current flash memory from the server? I'm wondering to loss or steps that we already finish for H32B , A16 and the server with DUCKDNS !!

you help and remote sharing are very much appreciated i can be available for long night up to 2 hrs before my travelling tomorrow and don't have access to my home network neither locally nor through internet !!
post your configuration yaml file, check your yaml file.

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