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01-26-2024, 11:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2024, 11:26 AM by DariusM.)
Hello friends,
I am renovating an old house and would be interested in one of the two modules bellow for automating some lights, garage door, etc.
The modules I am interested in are:
1. ARDUINO ESP32 32 CHANNEL RELAY MODULE – KC868-A32 (I will refer to it as the "32 relays module")
2. KC868-E16T ESP32 TUYA DIN RAIL RELAY MODULE (I will refer to it as the "16 relays module")
I have a few questions if anybody could shed some light:
1. What are the differences between the 2 modules (except the different number of relays, the relays current rating and the lack of digital input like Ds18B20 on one of the models)?
2. Does the 32 relay model support RF frequency control via a remote ?
3. Does the 32 relay model support Tuya App control and home assistant controll at the same time?
4. Does the 16 relay model support Tuya App control + home assistant controll + RF controll all at the same time?
5. For the 16 relay module, if I connect wired internet cable, is the Wifi Tuya antenna required to be installed in order for the tuya app part to work? (it will be placed in a location with wired internet, but very low quality wifi)
6. In any of the 2 modules, the dry contact (digital inputs) require a momentary switch or it can be connected to a latching switch (standard wall light switch) ?
7. What is the voltage present on the dry contact (digital inputs) (I would like if possible to connect in parallel with the wall switch, a led with resistor so I have a "night light" as a traditional light switch does have the indicator led)?
8. Does the 16 relay module support HMI Display ?
P.S. I am asking for the 2 different models because for the start it may be enough 16 relays, but after further expansion/ adding new devices in the house I may require more then 16
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
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1. E16T can use tuya app directly , support voice control by google home and alexa. A32 can use tuya app , need to buy tuya license, not support voice control.
2. not support, A32 not have RF433M receiver interface. E16T support RF remote.
3. it's OK.
4. E16T is use by tuya license with KCS firmware, so that Tuya App control + home assistant controll + RF control at the same time.
5. Tuya wifi module MUST use by WiFi. if you want use ethernet with Tuya, need tuya license, not support voice control.
6. Yes
7. digital input use "0"v or "12"v . "0"v =trigger "12"v= not trigger suggest use dry contactor device is ok, such as push button or momentary button.
8. E16T have RS485 interface, you can chose one HMI device add by RS485.
if you want use home assistant + Tuya at the same time, suggest chose KC868-H32B Pro relay controller.
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(01-26-2024, 12:32 PM)admin Wrote: 1. E16T can use tuya app directly , support voice control by google home and alexa. A32 can use tuya app , need to buy tuya license, not support voice control.
2. not support, A32 not have RF433M receiver interface. E16T support RF remote.
3. it's OK.
4. E16T is use by tuya license with KCS firmware, so that Tuya App control + home assistant controll + RF control at the same time.
5. Tuya wifi module MUST use by WiFi. if you want use ethernet with Tuya, need tuya license, not support voice control.
6. Yes
7. digital input use "0"v or "12"v . "0"v =trigger "12"v= not trigger suggest use dry contactor device is ok, such as push button or momentary button.
8. E16T have RS485 interface, you can chose one HMI device add by RS485.
if you want use home assistant + Tuya at the same time, suggest chose KC868-H32B Pro relay controller.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
So in conclusion for a 32 relay configuration:
1. if I need home assistant + Tuya at the same time I will need KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK, corect ?
2. if I need home assistant + Tuya + RF at the same time I will need 2x KC868-E16T, corect ?
3. the KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK combinations does not support RF even with another board connected on some port, corect ?
Thanks again in advance,
Darius M.
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Our system is very flexible, if you add KC868-AG, it's wireless gateway, it can learn RF signal and use RF remote, KC868-AG can send command to KinCony's relay controller.
1. if I need home assistant + Tuya at the same time I will need KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK, corect ? Yes, this is easy, if you MUST use RF remote, just add KC868-AG, here is video tour, how to do use H32B Pro with RF remote via KC868-AG:
2. if I need home assistant + Tuya + RF at the same time I will need 2x KC868-E16T, corect ? this mode have a little difficult, because need config by ESPHome.
3. have answered in first question.
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(01-27-2024, 12:59 AM)admin Wrote: Our system is very flexible, if you add KC868-AG, it's wireless gateway, it can learn RF signal and use RF remote, KC868-AG can send command to KinCony's relay controller.
1. if I need home assistant + Tuya at the same time I will need KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK, corect ? Yes, this is easy, if you MUST use RF remote, just add KC868-AG, here is video tour, how to do use H32B Pro with RF remote via KC868-AG:
2. if I need home assistant + Tuya + RF at the same time I will need 2x KC868-E16T, corect ? this mode have a little difficult, because need config by ESPHome.
3. have answered in first question.
Yes, your products are greate as they offer huge flexibility in different combinations.
After more research on your site + videos, I think I know what would suit my needs the best , but please tell me your opinion
Option 1: KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-Hx smart controller by RS232 port (I would have home assistant + Tuya + RF + manual buttons)
( this option on the AliExpress store that includes: 2x 8cahnnel RF remotes , switch terminal board and the KC868-H32B Pro ~ 360USD)
Option 2: KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK + KC868-AG (I would have home assistant + Tuya + RF + manual buttons)
( this option on the AliExpress store that includes: KC868-H32B Pro + KC868-AK + KC868-AG without the 2 RF remotes ~ 500USD)
Option 1 and 2 offer the same items regarding the posibility to control via home assistant + Tuya + RF + manual buttons the difference would be that KC868-AG would have tuya and esp in adition to the ones in the KC868-H32B Pro and IR functionality and if RF signal is a problem in a metal cabinet the KC868-AG would solve the issue
P.S. my final requirements are: 32 relay, with 32 digital inputs (wall switches), RF control with 2 remotes, home assistant and Tuya
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Option1: switch terminal board is stop produce now, it have replaced by KC868-AK. because "switch terminal board" install beside on relay controller in Distribution box. But people will use remote in one room, maybe RF signal is not enough, so use KC868-AG place in one room, the RF signal will easy cover the KC868-AG.
So we suggest use Option 2.
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(01-27-2024, 12:26 PM)admin Wrote: Option1: switch terminal board is stop produce now, it have replaced by KC868-AK. because "switch terminal board" install beside on relay controller in Distribution box. But people will use remote in one room, maybe RF signal is not enough, so use KC868-AG place in one room, the RF signal will easy cover the KC868-AG.
So we suggest use Option 2.
Yes, but option 2 is expensive.
Will a KC868-A32 + KC868-AG Pro by ESP32 + Tuya + Zigbee 3.0 module solve my requirement for home assistant + Tuya + RF at the same time ? (those 2 are at a lower price ~260 usd)
If yes, what software/ sketch do I need to upload on the KC868-A32 in order to be able to actuate the relays via de KC868-AG ?
(basically I want to know if I buy the 2 above, if I only need to configure from an UI what input triggers what relay aka software is already available or I have to write my own code in order to have home assistant + Tuya + RF )
Thank you again for your support and help with this.
Best regards, DariusM
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KC868-A32 download KCS firmware, and buy tuya license from us to use tuya app. KC868-A32 integreate to home assistant by MQTT, not by ESPHome. KC868-A32 enable "TCP Server" String protocol.
KC868-AG Pro learn RF remote signal, make IFTTT setting on webpage, when RF1 triggered send TCP command to KC868-A32 TOGGLE relay1. RF2 triggered send TCP command to KC868-A32 TOGGLE relay2. ..etc... until RF32, relay32.
But now KC868-A32 not support voice control by alexa and google home, if you want voice control, add "KinCony Tuya adapter " for voice control, here is video tour:
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(01-27-2024, 11:46 PM)admin Wrote: KC868-A32 download KCS firmware, and buy tuya license from us to use tuya app. KC868-A32 integreate to home assistant by MQTT, not by ESPHome. KC868-A32 enable "TCP Server" String protocol.
KC868-AG Pro learn RF remote signal, make IFTTT setting on webpage, when RF1 triggered send TCP command to KC868-A32 TOGGLE relay1. RF2 triggered send TCP command to KC868-A32 TOGGLE relay2. ..etc... until RF32, relay32.
But now KC868-A32 not support voice control by alexa and google home, if you want voice control, add "KinCony Tuya adapter " for voice control, here is video tour:
Regarding the " buy tuya license ", doesn't it come already with the KC868-AG Pro by ESP32 + Tuya + Zigbee 3.0 module ? (and since the 2 boards comunicate via local network why do I need a second tuya license besides the one that I hope it comes with the KC868-AG Pro (otherwise I cand see why to pay 110USD for it))
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KC868-AG pro not need tuya license. it already can use tuya app.
my means: KC868-A32 need buy tuya license, 5usd/pc, how to buy see here: