We bring you the remote experience IoT products service. Now you can remote control KC868 smart controller and monitor real time video screen by KinCony’s YouTube channel live streaming.
This demo live use by KC868-A4 integrate with home assistant by ESPHome add-on. Home assistant running on Raspberry PI, use DDNS service for remote control.
You can open your computer or mobile phone web browser for home assistant:
user name:house
YouTube Live video about 5-10 seconds delay time. please wait.
You can open your computer or mobile phone web browser for YouTube live streaming:
https://youtu.be/LJTaIba82HE Update date: 2021-06-19
we suggest use computer monitor so that have a big screen, it’s better to watch.
You can remote control:
3.fog (after 5 seconds auto off)
4.pump (after 10 seconds auto off)
5.Air Temperature monitor
6. Water temperature monitor.
This is DS18B20 temperature sensor detect water temperature.
house-light ON
fishing-light ON
control water pump
control fog