
KC868-AM ESP32 IO Expansion Board released

We have designed ESP32 IO Expansion (development) Board — KC868-AM (Mini) . it’s ESP32 module + many free GPIOs for home automation DIYer to use. 4 GPIOs in greent terminal already added pull up resistance, so that you can conveniently connect with 1-wire sensor device. some others input GPIOs on the PCB center for user.…


ESP32 IO Expansion Board – KC868-AM

We have designed ESP32 IO Expansion Board — KC868-AM (Mini) . it’s ESP32 module + many free GPIOs for home automation DIYer to use. 4 GPIOs in greent terminal already added pull up resistance, so that you can conveniently connect with 1-wire sensor device. some others input GPIOs on the PCB center for user. Support…