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Full Version: KC868-A6
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  1. RS485 Modbus working ESPHome configuration (1 Reply)
  2. ESPhome homeassistant (17 Replies)
  3. using 5v-12v as input sensor (23 Replies)
  4. KC868-A6 - read RS232 data from KCS firmware (3 Replies)
  5. PCF8574 and SSD1306 (3 Replies)
  6. DAC on the KC868-a6 (5 Replies)
  7. 868-A6 Tasmota and DS18x20 (1 Reply)
  8. 868-A6 Tasmota and DS18x20 (1 Reply)
  9. how to use tasmota firmware with KC868-A6 (11 Replies)
  10. board setup (5 Replies)
  11. KC868-A6 with waveshare LAN8720 (3 Replies)
  12. Better documentation? (7 Replies)
  13. Where to start (9 Replies)
  14. CONECTAR A RED WIFI (2 Replies)
  15. Firmware install too fast (7 Replies)
  16. kc868-a6 communication fault (1 Reply)
  17. kc868-a6 define IO (1 Reply)
  18. Cant connect to wifi STA (3 Replies)
  19. Problem with DS1307 on KC868-A6 (20 Replies)
  20. Pull-up resistors on GPIO 32/33 make them unusable? (9 Replies)
  21. A6 Tasmota.bin for quick start (4 Replies)
  22. Read 12V battery charge (7 Replies)
  23. t possible to use ADC A1, A2, A3 and A4 as a digital input for a switch? (1 Reply)
  24. in A6 it possible to use ADC A1, A2, A3 and A4 as a digital input for a switch (1 Reply)
  25. Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration (7 Replies)
  26. Copy of PCB on Aliexpress (5 Replies)
  27. 868-a6 power source (2 Replies)
  28. Help KCS problem (3 Replies)
  29. rs232 problem (22 Replies)
  30. kc868-a6 Bluetooth issue (5 Replies)
  31. How to Add an Extra Module for SD Card on the KC868-A6 Board? (1 Reply)
  32. PLC Modbus communication (7 Replies)
  33. ESPHome Modbus config for KC868-A6 (4 Replies)
  34. Kc868 Read Pwm input (7 Replies)
  35. Error rs232 no funciona (3 Replies)
  36. Conectar Arduino nano y kc868 (1 Reply)
  37. Usar entradas y oled i2c juntos (4 Replies)
  38. PZEM-004T With A6 on Serial (9 Replies)
  39. Error con entrada P0 y teclado wiegand (1 Reply)
  40. Compatibilidad con teclado wiegand. (4 Replies)
  41. Ayuda con configuración de pines rs485 (5 Replies)
  42. Reading Load Cell with KC868-A6 (2 Replies)
  43. Custom ESPHome firmware and Tuya integration (19 Replies)
  44. PSRAM Needed. Replace ESP32? (1 Reply)
  45. No AP wifi (1 Reply)
  46. yaml detail for DI on modbus controller (2 Replies)
  47. on relays via modbus rs485 (7 Replies)
  48. Sample code (1 Reply)
  49. Help KC868-A6 (14 Replies)
  50. LoraWan LMIC Solution (work with thethingsnetwork) (1 Reply)
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