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  Explanation of how the inputs and outputs work
Posted by: twostar - 02-01-2025, 06:53 AM - Forum: Development - No Replies

While investigating the possibility of a hack to deal with this issue I had a look at the circuit diagram to see if there was a way to wire an output back to an input to get the necessary chaining of IFTTT rules (thanks to Kincony for publishing this, it would have been much harder trying to trace it on a multilayer board with SMDs).

In case this is useful to others, here's how things work.  In particular if you're confused about dry vs. wet contacts and so on, read on.  The circuit diagram is a bit tricky to read since there are elements scattered across it in different locations, there are groups of pullups, snubber diodes, and other things off by themselves that you have to link to the main circuit element, if I've made any mistakes please let me know.

For the inputs, one side of the optocoupler LEDs is tied to 12V and the other, which corresponds to the dry-contact inputs, has a pullup to 12V when the contact is open and gets connected to GND when the contact is closed.  So contact open = no opto LEDs lit, contact closed = opto LEDs lit.  This is how an input dry contact is turned into a wet contact.

For the outputs, there's a p-channel MOSFET that switches a voltage onto the output.  This one is a bit confusing because if you look at the board images there's a 12/24V DC input next to the output connectors rather than the expected GND.  What happens is that when the output is off there's an open circuit between the 12/24VDC input and the output connector.  When it's on the voltage from the input connector is switched onto the output connector, with the GND provided separately.  In other words you externally wire the GND to the board and whatever it is you're driving from the output, and only a single wire, the output, goes to the other device with the GND shared between them.

This possibly also means you can switch something other than 12V or 24V onto the output, the inputs on the, ah, outputs are labelled LO0 and LO1 and only appear on the output side of the output optocouplers, so you may be able to run 5V relays off them by feeding in 5V on the "12/24V DC" input.

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  Chaining IFTTT rules
Posted by: twostar - 02-01-2025, 01:30 AM - Forum: Development - Replies (2)

The KC868 (almost) makes a great PLC for home automation, but one thing I can't find is any ability to chain IFTTT rules.  The rule table has "IF NUM" and "THEN NUM" entries which look like they would allow this but they're all set to zero and can't be edited.

To explain what I mean here, it's the ability to say IF <rule 1 condition met> THEN <goto rule 2>, where <rule 2> allows testing further conditions.  Let's say you want to use the device as an alarm controller, so you want to test:

IF ( motion_sensor1 OR motion_sensor2 OR motions_sensor3 ) AND is_armed THEN siren
The IFTTT rules only allow OR or AND but not complex expressions like the above, so it'd have to be done as:
rule1: IF ( motion_sensor1 OR motion_sensor2 OR motions_sensor3 ) THEN rule2
rule2: IF ( rule1 AND is_armed ) THEN siren_on + rule3
rule3: IF ( rule2 ) THEN delay 10 minutes + siren_off
Another example is for an aquarium pump controller where the IFTTT is almost perfect except for the ability to chain rules, I can sense inputs, add timing delays, run the pump as an output, but I need the ability to connect multiple rules to do that similar to the alarm.

Is there any way to chain rules in this manner, and if not could it be added?

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  Interfacing WS2812B led strips
Posted by: Krushi - 01-30-2025, 09:36 PM - Forum: KC868-AIO - Replies (3)

Hi I am using KC868 AIO installed for my smart home project, I would like to interface 4 ws2812b led strips how can I do that? Which of the pins can be used as data pins for the same. An example circuit and Yaml also will be appreciated.


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  Can't Connect Over LAN
Posted by: Error7 - 01-30-2025, 07:37 PM - Forum: Development - Replies (1)

I posted this question a few days ago but I can not see it on the forum.

I recently purchased a KC868-A16 but I can not connect to the board.
I have changed the static IP on my router to and if I scan my network with IP Scanner I can see the the address which I think is the KC868.
I can not see the using the Kincony Scan List tool and I am unable to connect to the board using Firefox.

Is the board faulty or am I doing something wrong? Please help.

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  KCS firmware bugs
Posted by: twostar - 01-30-2025, 12:47 PM - Forum: "KCS" v2 firmware system - Replies (5)

Not sure where to report this, but three bugs I've found with the KCS firmware, latest version (v2.2.8).

  1. The LAN activity LED (green) flickers constantly even though there's no activity on the LAN.  Since this is a network activity indicator it should only be lit when there's network traffic.
  2. The WiFi status indicator in the Network settings is wrong, it always displays enabled even if it's not.  To see this, go to Network -> WiFi, click on "enable" to make it disabled (greyed out), click Save, the system restarts and it's marked as enabled again.  The only way to tell its actual state is via a WiFi scanner to see if the KC868... AP is present or not.
  3. Time handling is wrong, with the default time zone of UTC the board displays the current time as 17:41 but it's actually 12:41, so it's five hours out.  It's also not possible to set all time zones, it stops at UTC+12 but there are countries which are currently at UTC+13.  A better way to handle this would be to allow for DST, since UTC+13 is actually UTC+12 + DST offset of 1 hour.  Without this, it's necessary to manually change the time on the board every time a DST changeover occurs.

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  How to Integrate KC868 Smart Controller with Home Automation System ??
Posted by: mitechlljohnsons - 01-30-2025, 08:59 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (1)

Hello everyone,

I recently got my hands on a KC868 smart controller and I am looking to integrate it with my home automation setup. I have a few questions and would appreciate any guidance from experienced users :-

Compatibility – Can the KC868 work smoothly with Home Assistant, Node-RED, or OpenHAB: ??
Setup Process – What’s the best way to configure the controller for Wi-Fi or wired connection: ??
MQTT & API – Does it support MQTT, and how can I use its API for custom automation: ??
Relay Control – Can I schedule relays to switch on/off automatically based on time or sensor inputs: ??
Best Practices – Any tips on ensuring stable performance and avoiding connection issues: ??

I would love to hear from anyone who has successfully set up their python certification KC868 system. Any tutorials or step-by-step guides would be a great help.

Looking forward to your insights !!

Thanks in advance.

With Regards,
Mitchel Johnsons

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  More than 1 1wire sensor ?
Posted by: fabien1506 - 01-30-2025, 02:47 AM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (1)


I was wondering why I am unable to use more than 1Wire temperature sensor (DS18B20)  on my KC868-A8
I have also tried to put a 4.7k resistor but I still have the same issue : only one sensor is recognized.
How can we plug more than 1 1wire sensor ?

Thank you.

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  Can't Connect Over LAN
Posted by: Error7 - 01-29-2025, 01:47 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (24)

I received my KC868 yesterday but I need to change it's IP address to 192.168.0.xxx. 
However, I am unable to connect to it over my LAN. I have set my routers static address to and I can see the board on my network by scanning the network with an IP Scanner which identifies the board as
Even so, I can not connect to the board using Firefox and the Kincony UDP_SCAN_LIST tool doesn't find the board on my LAN.

The board is a bit of an overkill for my application as I simply want to monitor 8 alarm inputs over my network and I now realise that I may not be capable of using all the facilities that come with the board but surely, even with my limited knowledge, I should be able to connect to it.

Can anybody suggest where I may be going wrong please.

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  KC868-A6 - read RS232 data from KCS firmware
Posted by: Fabri90 - 01-28-2025, 11:13 PM - Forum: KC868-A6 - Replies (3)

I bought a KC868-A6 to control an old burglar alarm board trought digital inputs and relay outputs of A6 board. The burglar alarm board have a RS232 output port for a printer (log print).
Is there a mode to read data from RS232 printer port connected to RS232 port of A6 board from KCS firmware? This is very important for me to complete control of burglar alarm.
Thanks in advance for your support

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  B16M reboot when clicking individual switch
Posted by: mcroa - 01-28-2025, 12:12 PM - Forum: Development - Replies (6)

Hi, i just want to report if this is a firmware problem or hardware problem. My order B16M was delivered last Jan 23, 2025.

So here are my findings:

(1) When I click "ALL on" and 'ALL Off", it works fine. ALL LEDs on B16M are working, all display on KCS 1-16 OUTS are green.

(2) But when I am clicking any of the 16 switches (1-16 OUTS), it reboots.

In the photo, I clicked OUT1, the RED LED on B16M lit, but the KCS firmware dont have color green as expected.

(3) Then after 3 seconds, the RED LED turned off then the board reboots it self. 

-I tried re-installing the KCS firmware, I deleted first the past flash.
-I removed my Tuya link.
- Disabled the MQQT

The board is now stand alone but still keeps rebooting whenever I press any of the 16 OUT switches on KCS firmware.

(4) The time NTP also not synching automatically even i set +8, and sync browser time, still from time to time it is displaying abnormal date and time.

If this is a hardware problem and cannot be solved by KCS firmware bug update, I have 15 days or until 6Feb2025 to dispute refund to ALIEXPRESS Official Kincony store.

Thank you.

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