KC868-Hx relay controller add to home assistant
We have write a program for TCP/IP Socket -> MQTT protocl convert help smart home DIYer to use home assistant for automatic control. So now all KC868-Hx smart controller can…
We have write a program for TCP/IP Socket -> MQTT protocl convert help smart home DIYer to use home assistant for automatic control. So now all KC868-Hx smart controller can…
This tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows how to build a standalone ESP8266 Web Server that controls KC868-Hx Controller’s relays. This ESP8266 NodeMCU Web Server is mobile responsive and…
We have written a new development and debug software tool for KC868-Hx smart relay controller. There are two test versions available: 1.TCP Server Version tool: Debugger download: KC868Hx-Debug-Server (use in…
We have add the new icos for many electrical equipment. You can download the package and put all to your KC868 Smart Controller PC software install directory, then setting in…
We improved ethernet relay module — KC868-H32. The new model called “KC868-H32L”. What’s the difference between “KC868-H32” and “KC868-H32L”? 1: Relay Max load from 5A to 10A. 2:Use pluggable terminals,easy…
KBOX android mobile phone app for KC868-Hx Smart Controller V1.0 released. It support control relay in LAN, not need internet. Just add all KC868-Hx controller to a mobile phone by…
Joint construction of “technology research” base by KinCony and Hangzhou Normal University Invited by the electronic information department of Hangzhou Normal University, KinCony team held a speech on “Application of…
KinCony publishing and distributing dozens of books and magazines related to MCU technology, electronic technology and Internet of Things technology, which are regarded as teaching books of IOT technology by…
Here are some successful cases of KinCony’s smart controller use in different fields. Case 1 is our Client use KC868-H32 to remote or auto control on farm in Korea. Case…
XuWei: Founder & CEO of KinCony Electronics Co., Ltd. Major in Computer Science and Technology , Zhejiang University. Young Technological Innovator in HangZhou in 2015. Special Teacher…
All the controller products of our company, we all open the interface of the communication protocol free of charge, and provide R & D technical supports, so that you can…
OEM service mainly makes LOGO replacement for existing products and software content. We can Custom Smart Controller and Smart Power Distribution Box. For customization of features and interfaces, we will…