KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server
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- KC868-server automations (6 Replies)
- How to kc868 server with CM4 boot from SSD via USB (6 Replies)
- KC868-Server User Guide Online (8 Replies)
- Error HA installation with fresh install on Server 16 (6 Replies)
- KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server (17 Replies)
- DS18B20 issues with KC868-Server (9 Replies)
- Inquiry About Newer Software Version for KC868-SERVER Device (1 Reply)
- Add KinCony modbus energy meter to home assistant using raspberry pi's RS485 port (20 Replies)
- attach door sensor to the server (3 Replies)
- Switch 24v DC KC868-Ax (4 Replies)
- KC868 server (3 Replies)
- Kc868-server-modbus (4 Replies)
- Kc868-server-modbus (1 Reply)
- how-to config ymal for work rs485 (12 Replies)
- ESP32 pins define of KC868-Server (8 Replies)
- outpot ports, they automatically turn off after a second. (1 Reply)
- kc868-server restart (1 Reply)
- kc868-server-esp32 (1 Reply)
- подключение KC868-Server Ethernet WiFi CM4 + KC868-H32B Pro-2 (16 Replies)
- KC868-Server integrate to home asssitant by MQTT configuration.yaml (15 Replies)
- Issue with KC868- server stuck (5 Replies)
- Traditional switch (1 Reply)
- Available space is less than 1GB (10 Replies)
- ESP32 chipset not working for rf module and led strip light from esphome (6 Replies)
- how to enable Raspberry pi CM4 additional UART serial ports (0 Replies)
- KC868 Server MQTT QOS and Retain? (1 Reply)
- How use Serverboard IO from CM4 (5 Replies)
- Read 4 channel analog inputs by TCP or RS485 protocol (2 Replies)
- How to Use the SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS? (4 Replies)
- KCS firmware on kincony chip of this server not working (10 Replies)
- Decode Data from Energy Meter modbus on NodeRed (1 Reply)
- How to boot home assistant with sd card on cm4? (1 Reply)
- how to enable the USB ports on Raspberry Pi CM4 (22 Replies)
- how to move CM4 eMMC home assistant data to USB driver (2 Replies)
- How to Communicate Between KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 and Mitsubishi PLC via Ethernet (1 Reply)
- kc868-h32b pro works with which logical controller? (1 Reply)
- KC868-Server work with KinCony energy meter by RS485 (1 Reply)
- add KinCony energy meter to home assistant by Raspberry Pi CM4 RS485 (0 Replies)
- integrate KC868-Server by RS485 modbus switch to home assistant (0 Replies)
- ESP32 RF (49 Replies)
- unable to login to Kincony server (3 Replies)
- KC868 COLB MINI (13 Replies)
- KC828-Server unable to respond mqtt command until restart (14 Replies)
- Home Assistant 2022.12.0 (9 Replies)
- Read Serial (RS485) Data (26 Replies)
- Enable serial port on Raspberry Pi CM4 (0 Replies)
- KC868-Server 16 channel digital input use for push button - home asssitant configurat (0 Replies)
- ADC pins (4 Replies)
- Disappointed with this server... (5 Replies)
- inputs and outputs (5 Replies)
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