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Full Version: KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server
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KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server

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  1. KC868-server automations (6 Replies)
  2. How to kc868 server with CM4 boot from SSD via USB (6 Replies)
  3. KC868-Server User Guide Online (8 Replies)
  4. Error HA installation with fresh install on Server 16 (6 Replies)
  5. KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server (17 Replies)
  6. DS18B20 issues with KC868-Server (9 Replies)
  7. Inquiry About Newer Software Version for KC868-SERVER Device (1 Reply)
  8. Add KinCony modbus energy meter to home assistant using raspberry pi's RS485 port (20 Replies)
  9. attach door sensor to the server (3 Replies)
  10. Switch 24v DC KC868-Ax (4 Replies)
  11. KC868 server (3 Replies)
  12. Kc868-server-modbus (4 Replies)
  13. Kc868-server-modbus (1 Reply)
  14. how-to config ymal for work rs485 (12 Replies)
  15. ESP32 pins define of KC868-Server (8 Replies)
  16. outpot ports, they automatically turn off after a second. (1 Reply)
  17. kc868-server restart (1 Reply)
  18. kc868-server-esp32 (1 Reply)
  19. подключение KC868-Server Ethernet WiFi CM4 + KC868-H32B Pro-2 (16 Replies)
  20. KC868-Server integrate to home asssitant by MQTT configuration.yaml (15 Replies)
  21. Issue with KC868- server stuck (5 Replies)
  22. Traditional switch (1 Reply)
  23. Available space is less than 1GB (10 Replies)
  24. ESP32 chipset not working for rf module and led strip light from esphome (6 Replies)
  25. how to enable Raspberry pi CM4 additional UART serial ports (0 Replies)
  26. KC868 Server MQTT QOS and Retain? (1 Reply)
  27. How use Serverboard IO from CM4 (5 Replies)
  28. Read 4 channel analog inputs by TCP or RS485 protocol (2 Replies)
  29. How to Use the SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS? (4 Replies)
  30. KCS firmware on kincony chip of this server not working (10 Replies)
  31. Decode Data from Energy Meter modbus on NodeRed (1 Reply)
  32. How to boot home assistant with sd card on cm4? (1 Reply)
  33. how to enable the USB ports on Raspberry Pi CM4 (22 Replies)
  34. how to move CM4 eMMC home assistant data to USB driver (2 Replies)
  35. How to Communicate Between KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 and Mitsubishi PLC via Ethernet (1 Reply)
  36. kc868-h32b pro works with which logical controller? (1 Reply)
  37. KC868-Server work with KinCony energy meter by RS485 (1 Reply)
  38. add KinCony energy meter to home assistant by Raspberry Pi CM4 RS485 (0 Replies)
  39. integrate KC868-Server by RS485 modbus switch to home assistant (0 Replies)
  40. ESP32 RF (49 Replies)
  41. unable to login to Kincony server (3 Replies)
  42. KC868 COLB MINI (13 Replies)
  43. KC828-Server unable to respond mqtt command until restart (14 Replies)
  44. Home Assistant 2022.12.0 (9 Replies)
  45. Read Serial (RS485) Data (26 Replies)
  46. Enable serial port on Raspberry Pi CM4 (0 Replies)
  47. KC868-Server 16 channel digital input use for push button - home asssitant configurat (0 Replies)
  48. ADC pins (4 Replies)
  49. Disappointed with this server... (5 Replies)
  50. inputs and outputs (5 Replies)
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