
KC868-A64 hardware design details

It seems that many Kincony controllers are quite a bit but powerful and incredible size, with a large number of digital inputs and outputs, many interfaces, etc., but this is only done to you at first glance, until you need, for example, to receive information from 64 digital inputs and control 64 valves or relays. …


KC868-A128: Prijava za Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda

Danas ćemo govoriti o rješenju dostojnom plasmana u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda – to je kontroler Kincony KC868-A128, koji na ploči ima čak 128 digitalnih ulaza i 128 digitalnih izlaza – tranzistora (MOSFET). S takvim karakteristikama performansi KC868-A128 može postati temelj vrlo složenih projekata. Slaba strana takvih impresivnih mogućnosti je veličina kontrolera – ona prelazi sve…


KC868-A128 hardware design details

Today we will talk about a solution worthy of placement in the Guinness Book of Records – this is the Kincony KC868-A128 controller, which  has as many as 128 digital inputs and 128 digital outputs – transistors (MOSFET) on the  board. With such performance characteristics, the KC868-A128 can become the basis of very complex projects.…


KC868-AP ESP32 PWM Dimmer Released

We have designed KC868-AP. It is a ESP32 16 channel PWM dimmer board. It use PCA9685. The PCA9685 component represents a PCA9685 12-bit PWM driver. It uses I²C Bus for communication. every channel output have MAX 3A driver chip. KC868-AP support use by ESPHome in home assistant. It also have digital input and relay output.


KC868-AP ESP32 DC12/24V LED Dimmer

KC868-AP is a ESP32 16 channel LED dimmer board. It use PCA9685. The PCA9685 component represents a PCA9685 12-bit PWM driver. It uses I²C Bus for communication. every channel output have MAX 3A driver chip. KC868-AP support use by ESPHome in home assistant. It also have digital input and relay output. KC868-AP schematic download KC868-AP…

esp32 keyboard

KC868-AK ESP32 Programmable Keyboard Released

We have designed the new version of “switch terminal board” — KC868-AK. This is a powerful ESP32 programmable keyborad , support by home assistant via ESPHome for home automation DIYer. It also can work with KinCony’s smart relay controller. let your wall switch panel can work with “1-click” , “2-click” and “hold on” actions.  


KC868-HA RS485 Button Adapter Released

We have designed KC868-HA RS485 button adapter, let your old switch or traditional switch become smart, work with KC868-H32B Pro smart relay controller, use any “Latch” or “Momentary” switch panel work with your smart home automation. This time, regular switch can be used in smart home system.


How to use KC868-HA RS485 button adapter

Hardware diagram: How to config: a. Use USB-RS485 adapter connect to KC868-HA. b. download KC868-HA config tool and open it Chose your USB Serial port, baud is “9600”, parity: None click “OPEN” button. Target Relay Controller Addr: it’s your relay controller’s RS485 address, such as we use KC868-H32B Pro or KC868-A series board’s RS485 setting…


RS485 MODBUS Button Adapter – KC868-HA

KC868-HA let your old switch or traditional switch become support RS485 modbus protocol for KinCony’s relay controller, work with KC868-H32B Pro smart relay controller, use any “Latch” or “Momentary” switch panel work with your smart home automation. PC software download: https://www.kincony.com/download/HA485_Ctrl_V1.0.4.0904.zip How to use KC868-HA online guide: https://www.kincony.com/how-to-use-rs485-button-adapter.html KC868-HA protocol for RS485 relay board: https://www.kincony.com/download/KC868-HA-protocol-for-RS485-relay-board_v106.pdf…

how to use KC868-AK programmable keyboard

Hardware connection of KC868-AK ESP32 programmable keyboard: You can use 1-35 buttons for defined actions. You can use 1-36 terminal ports with extend momentary wall switch, extend cable MAX 1000 meter. Connect with relay controller by RS232 or RS485 cable. here is typical case KC868-AK work with KC868-H32B Pro smart relay controller and contact diagram:…


KC101 Tuya Electronic DIY Kit Released

We have developed the first DIY product for smart home enthusiasts to cultivate everyone’s interest in electronic technology. “KC101” is 4 channels universal WiFi wireless smart switch with RF 433MHz module, it’s a DIY kit for DIYer. it for your smart home system to remotely and automatically turn ON/OFF home appliances and electronic devices by…