8051 microcomputer basic introductory tutorial
This book we wrote in year 2015. For school student to learn 8051 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code.
This book we wrote in year 2015. For school student to learn 8051 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code.
This book we wrote in year 2012. For school student to learn AVR mega16 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code. We have designed AVR MCU development board for learner.
This book we wrote in year 2010. For school student to learn PIC Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code. We have designed PIC MCU development board for learner.
This book we wrote in year 2008. We have make the 8051 development board for school student to learn 8051 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code.
This book we wrote in year 2010. The second version of “8051 Microcontroller and Embedbed System book”, add some information about new MCS51 extend module. For school student to learn 8051 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code.
This book we wrote in year 2007. For school student to learn 8051 Microcontroller with various experiments about the hardware schematic diagram and MCU demo source code. url www.hificat.com is KinCony’s Chinese webpage.
IOT application and practice of smart home engineering book published in China. This book have wrote for 2 years. There are some smart home application case and IOT development resource for smart control system. The book we wrote in Chinese words.
distribution board customsize design: Functions: 1. remote / locally control 16 channel AC220V 1 phase power output by mobile phone and PC application. 2. use “Omron” removable relay module. 3. use dry contactor sensor trigger output power. 4. 4 channel dimmer controller for change DC12V LED strip and AC220V lamp brightness. 5. connect with network…
use KC868-H32 relay controller + orange pi running Node-Red work for Google home assistant voice control lamp.
Apply For Free Sample of KinCony Product 1. Available free sample product: KC868-A4 ESP32 board, KC101 Tuya electronic DIY kit KC868-A4: https://www.kincony.com/arduino-esp32-4-channel-relay-module.html KC101: https://www.kincony.com/tuya-electronic-diy-kit-kc101.html 2. Application conditions (in one of the following conditions) —-A. free education (free education based on KC868-A4 or KC101) To launch the open source projects of free education based on KinCony…
how to DIY home automation by home assistant guide: 1: how to install home assistant on raspberry pi4 linux system. 2. install node-red on home assistant raspberry pi4 3. make phone application button to control light relay switch 4. how to install wall switch and wireless remoter on home assistant 5. how to use input…
KC868-A8 smart controller, many hardware resources for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/Bluetooth/ethernet module. We will supply demo codes for different samples. Everyone can modify and change the code for their own smart home automation system project.