How to control 32 relay module using Arduino

 This video shows how to use the Arduino program to control 32 channel(KC868-H32L) ethernet relay module by serial communication. Here is the Ultimate Smart Home Tech Tour for KinCony’s IoT module DIY. Step by step, it’s very easy to DIY. Perfect for Smart home 2020.

web application by dashboard

 We will produce a series of video tutorials using the IBM Node-Red DIY software. The Node-Red is open-source. I find it’s very easy to use, almost not need to write many program codes. This video shows how to configure Node-RED for website application by dashboard on iOS and android and PC computer by Raspberry…

Wall switch button for homekit

 We will produce a series of video tutorials using the IBM Node-Red DIY software. The Node-Red is open source.I find it’s very easy to use,almost not need write many program code. This video shows how to configure Node-RED for update wall switch button status on apple iPhone or iPad homekit by Raspberry Pi 4…

Homekit control 32 channel relay

 We will produce a series of video tutorials using the IBM Node-Red DIY software. The Node-Red is open source.I find it’s very easy to use,almost not need write many program code. This is lesson 2 will tell you how to turn ON/OFF a relay switch by node-red homekit node work on Raspberry Pi 4…

Install raspberry pi 4 OS

 We will produce a series of video tutorials using the IBM Node-Red DIY software.The Node-Red is open source.I find it’s very easy to use,almost not need write many program code. The first video- lesson1 will tell you how to install raspberry pi 4 OS by sd card. When install completed, system will have the…

home automation app

KinCony Smart Home APP update for add TOUCH mode

“KinCony Smart Home APP” android phone app updated, we have added new functions: 1. Add login window supports multiple account switching and adds the function of remembering password. 2. Fixed the bug that the authorized sub account number must be a digital account number. Now, the account number can be authorized regardless of the number…

KC868 Smart Controller firmware download update tool released

We have make firmware update tool for KC868-Hx smart relay controller and KC868-COL Programmable Logic Controller (analog input digital input module). If the product serial number like “HxxBxxxxxxxxxxxx” , include “B” in SN, then you can use this firmware software update kit. We will continue to update the kc868 series products, through the update firmware,…

data acquisition

analog input digital input module – KC868-COL

KC868-COL acquisition board (analog input digital input module) is used to read AI, DI, Temperature,electricity meter . The equipment supports 5 channel of DS18b20 temperature sensors, 16 channel of Digital input signal detection, 16 channel of Analog input signal detection and RS485 communication smart meter. KC868-COL have two version of firmware, this website version is…

power meter

KC868-COL update for support power consumption meter monitor

We have updated new firmware of KC868-COL and new PC software. update function as follows: Support 8 power meter monitor for Power consumption,voltage, current, frequency, power factor, active power value. Support input trig hold time minimum =0.1 second can be used. Support custom define RS485 command for “THEN” output command. You can use sensor automatic…

smart home app

KBOX iOS app update for scene mode

“KBOX” iOS phone app updated, we have added new function: 1. update add controller scene mode, support add KC868-H2/H4/H8/H16/H32 you can add any controller’s any relay switch output to scene mode.Set for ON,OFF or not change.